Friday, January 27, 2012

Press Release | Obamanomics is "Built for Last"


FARMINGTON – Second Congressional District candidate and bestselling author, Chris Stewart, expressed discouragement at President Obama’s anticipated State of the Union remarks. He disagrees with the President’s perceived notion of what it means to concentrate on putting the economy at the forefront of his administration. Chris counters with his measures to successfully promote economic growth.
“Earlier today, President Obama’s campaign manager and now senior advisor, David Plouffe, attempted to explain why the president is only now presenting his plan to revitalize the economy, a plan the Obama campaign machine is calling ‘built to last,’” said Stewart . “For three years, Obama has done next to nothing to implement solutions that will promote real economic growth in the economy. Instead, the federal government has ballooned in size and reach while Congress has failed to pass a balanced budget.” Stewart continued, “This administration has implemented a quasi-budget which has resulted in a record breaking deficit of $1.3 trillion. Even more egregious is that the administration has 184 regulations under various stages of consideration that are expected to cost $100 million each in addition to the current pool of regulations that cost the economy over $1.75 trillion per year, according the Small Business Administration. These regulations will strangle entrepreneurs and small businesses.”
When asked to give his opinion on the new ‘built to last’ campaign, Stewart declared, “If President Obama’s first three years in office is prologue, his policies will not result in an economy that is built to last, rather we will continue to suffer from a devastated economy that is ‘built for last.’”
Stewart continued and spoke about what he believes will help grow the economy. “It is time for the Administration and Congress to get serious about revitalizing the economy and it begins with Congress passing a budget,” said Stewart. “That budget should end the trillion dollar deficits that have weakened growth and are threatening our near term and long term future.” Stewart also clarified that entitlement reforms must be included in any real attempt to address the budget. “Attempts to budget without examining and reforming the entitlement programs of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are not serious proposals. It should also be understood that an omnibus spending bill is not the solution,” said Stewart. “Congress should examine each agency’s budget line by line effectuating an actual review of federal spending.”
“Lastly, if the administration wants to prove it is serious about creating conditions for a pro-growth economy that is ‘built to last’, they and Congress must get together and lower the tax rate and simplify taxes,” said Stewart. He went on to talk about his plan to simplify the tax code, “The top marginal tax rate should be 25% for those making $100,000 or more with tiers at 15% for those who make up to $100,000 and 10% for those who make $50,000 or less. The only deductions would be for charitable giving and home mortgages. Any plan that increases taxes within the existing framework is not being serious – we cannot tax ourselves into prosperity.”

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tied for 1st in Iron County straw poll!

It’s been an incredible week campaigning across the district and I am honored to announce that we have tied for first place in the Iron County straw poll. The results are a testament to the hard work of the campaign and the belief of the people that we will get this country back on track. I am grateful for the support.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let Economic Freedom Ring!

This week being a week in which our civil rights are examined and celebrated, it is a good time to also examine our freedom. We as Americans enjoy freedom on a greater scale each and every day and more than any other society in the history of mankind.
Freedom, as I have regularly pointed out in my writings and as I have spoken to so many of you on the campaign trail, is a miracle and a true gift; it is something that we must cherish or lose.
Last week the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal released their 18thannual Index of Economic Freedom. Economic freedom is the ability of individuals to control the outcome of the fruits of their labor, and the opportunity to make one’s own financial decisions. Heritage and the Journal have measured this by studying its pillars: the rule of law, limited government, regulatory efficiency, and open markets. Property rights, freedom from corruption, government spending, free trade, labor policies, and one’s ability to invest in and create businesses all factor into a country’s economic freedom.
In their estimation, economic freedom declined across the globe in 2011 as countries on nearly every continent attempted to spend their way out of debt crises. Government spending in the United States has grown to be the equivalent of over 40 percent of our gross domestic product! Worse, total public debt exceeds the size of our economy.
Spending more is not the way for our nation (or any other) to achieve greater economic freedom, any more than it would be for an individual or a family. We can’t dig our way out of the hole in which we find ourselves; we have to climb out. The rungs on the ladder that will help us to climb back to the level of economic freedom we have lost are to cut spending and increase productivity.
To increase productivity, we MUST allow individuals AND entrepreneurs (the backbone of our economy) greater freedom to control the outcome of the fruits of their labors. We cannot allow the government to continue to slap regulation after regulation on small businesses. Hiring will grind to a halt. Some 13.1 million Americans are out of work. Jobs that could be created simply will never come to fruition. The uncertainty of a future filled with onerous regulations is putting the brakes on bringing our economy out of its doldrums.
It is imperative in this election year that we as Americans select leaders who understand what economic freedom means; and more importantly, leaders who value it. Let us not wish for the good old days – with the right leadership, the best days are ahead of us. The grand key to a prosperous future is fiscal restraint. We can and will climb back to prosperity for our nation, and lead the world by example.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chuck Norris and his thought on my books and what he the upcoming 8th miracle.

Here is what Chuck Norris said about my books The Miracle of Freedom and Seven Miracles that Saved America. What do you think?
 As I recently tweeted ( @chucknorris), I read through the book “The Miracle of Freedom: Seven Tipping Points that Saved the World,” by Chris and Ted Stewart. I highly recommend it.
Immediately afterward, I started reading their other book, “Seven Miracles That Saved America,” and I have been equally inspired by it. But it has prompted me to wonder: Is there an eighth miracle coming and needed to save our republic again?…
 …Last week, I concluded my recommendation of the book “Seven Miracles That Saved America” by noting: “I also believe we need an eighth miracle to save America — a providential and pivotal moment that spares our country from falling off into four more years of the Obama transformational abyss.”
Here is what I believe that eighth miracle would look like. It’s not a single person, but a group of people, a formidable team — brought together by an unparalleled idea and unbridled patriots — that ensures the ousting of our incumbent president and the restoration of our country…

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Campaign Update!

I just got back from travelling the state this last week introducing myself to Utahns across the district in town halls and cottage meetings, speaking about why I decided to run and what I will work on in Washington if I am elected. I met so many great people throughout the state who share my concern about the direction this country is headed. The response to my plan to restore the balance of power back to Americans from politicians and bureaucrats in Washington was incredible. After meeting so many of you, I’m reaffirmed that we, the people, will sacrifice and work to fix the problems our nation faces.
Watch for more events to come up on the calendar here or on Facebook. I look forward to meeting you and talking about the challenges facing our nation and how we can overcome them.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Evie and I wish all of you a happy New Year in 2012, and extend our wishes that peace and prosperity will be with you and your families.
With the changing of the year, we can all look forward with brightness of expectations because of the great nation in which we live. The Founding Fathers have laid groundwork for us all, that if we will work hard and persevere, the great promise of life, liberty and happiness of this land can be ours. Every citizen has equality of opportunity to strive to be better in our lives, our families, our thoughts, our generosity and our resolve.
With this new year, I am determined to do my own personal best to make things better within my own sphere of influence. May we each find success in our good endeavors, and may our nation become a better place for families, businesses, individuals and liberty.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Why am I running for Congress?

Our nation is in a crisis. And our faith in politicians and pundits is at an all-time low. And we are in this mess because too many people in Washington have made lifelong careers out of telling people what they want to hear, rather than looking out for the interests of the people.
Why am I running? Is it because as a small businessman I know how to create jobs? Is it because I firmly believe that the fundamental purpose of the nation’s military is to keep us free and safe or because I believe in American exceptionalism, that our nation is the example of freedom and liberty to the rest of the world? I believe in these principles, but that is not the reason I chose to come into this race.
My father and mother instilled in our family a creed:
Duty, Honor, Service to God, Family, and Country.
They instilled in our family a great sense and obligation to serve this country. Shortly before graduating from college, at a time I was planning and entering law school, I felt the need to serve our country. My wife and I knew it would be a sacrifice and that it would be a harder life, not only for us but for our children. This turned out to be true, but it was a great experience and we are grateful for the time we had to serve.
I feel the same desire to serve our country now.
This is not the next step in my political career. I want to serve our country in this crisis, get us through our challenges, and come home. I believe that this is how the founding fathers intended it.
We share in the challenges and we share in the sacrifices. But we will share in the victory.