Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pearl Harbor Day

On this 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we pause to solemnly consider the ultimate sacrifice made by those who gave their lives on that historic day. What followed—the American entry into the war—proved the mettle of the American spirit. Soldiers and citizens worked together: all gave some, and some gave all. A great national spirit of unity and industry combined to bring about the victory that made America the leader in bringing democracy to nations throughout the world.
As the son of a World War II pilot, I cannot but think of the bravery that paid the price for the freedom I have known all my life, that my children have known all of theirs. No simple words can express my gratitude for the gift they’ve given us—and the world.
And now, a question to ask ourselves: If those who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor could speak to us, what action would they want us to take today to preserve our country?
I believe they would want us to remember that strength and preparedness inhibit aggression; that our freedom, purchased at so dear a price, can be taken from us; and that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
I believe they would expect us to never take the blessings we enjoy for granted. I am sure they would want us to continue to be proud to be citizens of this great United States of America that they fought so hard to protect and preserve.
We render all our gratitude. We will never forget.

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